21 August 2007

Where's the Colour?

on my initial visits out to south AZland, i was always shocked on how bland it looks out west. i suppose being out in the bright sun nearly year-round has bleached and robbed everything of its colour. there's sand all around and there are some cities in the valley all seem to think they should build building of the same colour and only of that colour. their attempts at accent colours on these building are very lame.

the sky may mostly be clear and blue, but this blue isn't as intense as that in KY skies. i'm sure it's due to the amount of moisture in the air. KY is known for some humid summers with thunderstorms here and there (and it's my belief that the bluest skies are seen just as a thunderstorm clears out). AZland has more rain than most people know. there is a brief monsoon season when rain does fall in fair amounts. i've not been able to see the sky after a storm, as i've only experienced night rain. i have a suspicion the sky must be bluer then.

i have started noticing colour usage in different towns. gilbert likes green. they have trees planted all over the place. and i am noticing buildings and marts with more distinctive accent colours. some stick to the desert colour palate, but use a greyer tan or a redder rust to offset all the warm pale sandy beige. i prefer the cooler greys.