09 March 2007

repost: dishwashing is a messy business

reposted from June 8th, 2006

my sister (also known as ‘the younger broha’)told me an amusing story about herself. it happened one day while i was work. i cant remember exactly how she worded it, so allow me to paraphrase her:

i decided to wash the dishes today. and you have a dish sponge. i’m not used to
washing dishes with a sponge, since we (she and her previous roommate) had that scrubby dish brush. so i was washing the dishes with the sponge i’m not used to, and i splashed water everywhere, including my shirt. so i changed my shirt. you’d think i’d learn from this and stop splashing water onto myself. but i got my shirt wet again. so i had to change my shirt AGAIN. i thought it was amusing, so i thought i’d share.

thanks for sharing! i found it amusing too.

three shirts

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