09 March 2007

repost: the necklace

reposted from July 9th, 2006

so in my native culture (or that of my parents, as i was born and grew up here in the states), there is a sort of traditional money. bachel, i think that’s what it is called. bachel is usually made up of one or more coloured stones. it is usually tied on a rope and worn by the women
my sister and i received our bachel while in Palau (the motherland) back in 1988. amazingly, i have worn mine ever since. 18 years my blue little stone has been tied around my neck. not even once did it come off. it’s something of an accomplishment, i think.

however, unfortunately, after 18 years, the rope shows its wear. it was starting to fray and come undone. i had to make the decision to take the necklace off. i had my mother cut it off.

i had the funny idea that maybe my head would fall off when my necklace was removed. like that story about the girl and her black velvet ribbon around her neck. note, that i still have my head firmly attached to my body. the only thing is my neck looks kind odd without the 18 year necklace.

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