09 March 2007

repost: a tale of a pirate crew drowning

reposted from July 17th, 2006

the Mixed Nuts Crew has always been a land-locked bunch. but they still managed to drown in Tell City this past weekend.

on the wall of an old building in TC are markings of flood levels of past years. the crew as a whole decided to line up and see when we each would die.

Mixed Nuts crew drowning line up

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repost: storm chasers are nothing

reposted from July 17th, 2006

past weekend we went to visit a crewmember in tell city. we were neck and neck with a pretty nasty looking storm for a better part of the drive up there. but we eventually pulled out in the lead and won with Mr. Storm in our dust.
the male-broha and i decided we are the STORM RACERS.

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repost: the necklace

reposted from July 9th, 2006

so in my native culture (or that of my parents, as i was born and grew up here in the states), there is a sort of traditional money. bachel, i think that’s what it is called. bachel is usually made up of one or more coloured stones. it is usually tied on a rope and worn by the women
my sister and i received our bachel while in Palau (the motherland) back in 1988. amazingly, i have worn mine ever since. 18 years my blue little stone has been tied around my neck. not even once did it come off. it’s something of an accomplishment, i think.

however, unfortunately, after 18 years, the rope shows its wear. it was starting to fray and come undone. i had to make the decision to take the necklace off. i had my mother cut it off.

i had the funny idea that maybe my head would fall off when my necklace was removed. like that story about the girl and her black velvet ribbon around her neck. note, that i still have my head firmly attached to my body. the only thing is my neck looks kind odd without the 18 year necklace.

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repost: new on the scene

reposted from July 9th, 2006

last week i decided it was time to trim my bangs. unfortunately, my fingers became a little scissor-happy and lopped off a little more then desired. thinking about it now, i think the back of my mind was still under the influence of Paradise Kiss and The Devil Wears Prada.

the new short bangs make me look like a scene kid. i just need my studded belt and some stylish layered shirts. the myspace account already exists. i only need to add pics of myself at crazy angles sporting my new scene hair in my eyes.

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repost: somtimes, rain hurts you

reposted from June 26th, 2006

when i got home this afternoon from another day in hell (O-chem lab), i was a bit damp. i wish i could say i walked home in the rain, but that wouldn’t be truthful of me. in truth, i walked home in the hail. it wasn’t golf-ball-sized but still, the tiny niblets of ice did pelt me nicely in the face at times.

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repost: i heart riku and kairi

reposted from June 26th, 2006

so this past weekend, i finally beat Kingdom Hearts 2. i was a complete dork, full geek-out mode. i heart this game very much so. beyond thrilled when i was finally reunited with kairi and riku.

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repost: mrs. tim russert

reposted from June 19th, 2006

tim russert. he is a journalist, more famously of NBC’s Meet the Press. he’s been on the Today show a bit. and recently, he’s been out promoting his book about dads. i have a strange and amusing crush on the man. i find his face very pleasant and attractive.

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repost: under the sea

reposted from June 19th, 2006

my brother is doing a little commission work for a professor. he is painting fish and other related under-the-sea things on the walls of a room for the prof’s twin toddler boys. i tagged along to keep him company and play with all the toys. i even helped paint.

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repost: dishwashing is a messy business

reposted from June 8th, 2006

my sister (also known as ‘the younger broha’)told me an amusing story about herself. it happened one day while i was work. i cant remember exactly how she worded it, so allow me to paraphrase her:

i decided to wash the dishes today. and you have a dish sponge. i’m not used to
washing dishes with a sponge, since we (she and her previous roommate) had that scrubby dish brush. so i was washing the dishes with the sponge i’m not used to, and i splashed water everywhere, including my shirt. so i changed my shirt. you’d think i’d learn from this and stop splashing water onto myself. but i got my shirt wet again. so i had to change my shirt AGAIN. i thought it was amusing, so i thought i’d share.

thanks for sharing! i found it amusing too.

three shirts

repost: moving in

repost from May 29th, 2006

i had a blogger account where i put up amusing entries accompanied by post-it note doodles. however, for better or for worse, blogger.com is no longer friendly with me. and so i moved to this location.

on a related/not-so related note, the semester has ended and the Crew has split. some mates moved out and the younger broha (of the female kind) moved into my (now our) apartment. the amount stuff doubled and was piled everywhere. it was a real mess. the older broha (of the male kind) helped us situated our stuff. he is the master of Feng Shui, i tell you. he can make anything fit. in any space. period.

Jerry the Feng Shui Master


so i'm returning to blogger to repost the posts i would have initally posted here but was too upset at blogger to do so and posted them elsewhere. so here are those missing posts.